Main Page
Wiki opening is pushed back to Saturday Feb 15 8am EST.
I have most of everything configured on the backend, but I want to be more familiar with the wiki software and fine-tune a few things before opening the floodgates.
To do before release:
Make check user extension functional
Create new "trustworthy" group of user
Open the e-mail port and allow password resets through email
Make TOC for front page (table with pictures)
Rules/Guide Page for new editors
Find way to backup database to drive off-site
Make horizontal SVG logo for mobile users
Currently looking for new logo. Must be 1:1 ratio SVG, rasterized pictures are limited to 160px which look horrible
Table of Contents (Each will be their own page):
Eras(Viewed as timeline of the channel): Early childhood, Krystle, Destiny, Becky, Wifey/Jade/whoever, Mammalynn(maybe merge with Tommy), Tommy/Emily
Characters: Krystle, Destiny, Becky, Wifey, Tommy, Mammalynn, Eric and Ricky, Dana, Alexis, Rafe
Topics of Interest: Expert Laygos, Pets, Journals, Weigh-ins, Dieting, Shopping Addiction, Mobility Scooter Appearances, Cooking (weird DIY meals),
Amberisms (weird language she uses), Psychology(mental health, listing all the illnesses she claimed to have),
Lies (provide evidence of her contradicting herself), Torrid, Drugs/Drinking, Food Allergies or Aversions
Scandals: Shrimpgate, Mukbangs in general
Diets: Optavia, Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers, Counting Calories, Intuitive Eating
Pets: Gracie (RIP), Twinkie, Wasabi, Rarity (RIP)
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.