System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Current message text
visualeditor-toolbar-history (talk) (Translate) History
visualeditor-toolbar-insert (talk) (Translate) Insert
visualeditor-toolbar-paragraph-format (talk) (Translate) Formatting
visualeditor-toolbar-search-help-label (talk) (Translate) Toolbar search
visualeditor-toolbar-structure (talk) (Translate) Structure
visualeditor-toolbar-style-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Style text
visualeditor-toolbar-table (talk) (Translate) Table
visualeditor-toolbar-text-style (talk) (Translate) Styling
visualeditor-tooltip-non-breaking-space (talk) (Translate) Non-breaking space
visualeditor-version-label (talk) (Translate) Version
visualeditor-welcomedialog-action (talk) (Translate) Start editing
visualeditor-welcomedialog-content (talk) (Translate) Anyone can edit, and every improvement helps.
visualeditor-welcomedialog-content-thanks (talk) (Translate) Thank you for helping the world discover more!
visualeditor-welcomedialog-switch (talk) (Translate) Switch to the source editor
visualeditor-welcomedialog-switch-ve (talk) (Translate) Switch to the visual editor
visualeditor-welcomedialog-title (talk) (Translate) {{GENDER:$1|Welcome}} to $2
visualeditor-wikitext-progress (talk) (Translate) Converting wikitext
visualeditor-wikitext-warning (talk) (Translate) You are using the visual editor - [[{{MediaWiki:visualeditor-wikitext-warning-link}}|wikitext]] does not work here. To switch to source editing at any time without losing your changes, click on the switch button.
visualeditor-wikitext-warning-link (talk) (Translate) mediawikiwiki:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Formatting
visualeditor-wikitext-warning-title (talk) (Translate) Wikitext markup detected
visualeditor-wikitextconvert-convert (talk) (Translate) Convert to wikitext
visualeditor-wikitextconvert-message (talk) (Translate) You pasted content with rich formatting. Would you like to convert this formatting to wikitext?
visualeditor-wikitextconvert-title (talk) (Translate) Convert formatting to wikitext?
wantedcategories (talk) (Translate) Wanted categories
wantedcategories-summary (talk) (Translate)  
wantedfiles (talk) (Translate) Wanted files
wantedfiles-summary (talk) (Translate)  
wantedfiletext-cat (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist. Files from foreign repositories may be listed despite existing. Any such false positives will be <del>struck out</del>. Additionally, pages that embed files that do not exist are listed in [[:$1]].
wantedfiletext-cat-noforeign (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist. Additionally, pages that embed files that do not exist are listed in [[:$1]].
wantedfiletext-nocat (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist. Files from foreign repositories may be listed despite existing. Any such false positives will be <del>struck out</del>.
wantedfiletext-nocat-noforeign (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist.
wantedpages (talk) (Translate) Wanted pages
wantedpages-badtitle (talk) (Translate) Invalid title in result set: $1
wantedpages-summary (talk) (Translate) List of non-existing pages with the most links to them, excluding pages which only have redirects linking to them. For a list of non-existent pages that have redirects linking to them, see [[{{#special:BrokenRedirects}}|the list of broken redirects]].
wantedtemplates (talk) (Translate) Wanted templates
wantedtemplates-summary (talk) (Translate)  
watch (talk) (Translate) Watch
watching (talk) (Translate) Watching...
watchlist (talk) (Translate) Watchlist
watchlist-details (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 page is|$1 pages are}} on your Watchlist (plus talk pages).
watchlist-expires-in-aria-label (talk) (Translate) Expiring watchlist item
watchlist-expiring-days-full-text (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|1 day|$1 days}} left in your watchlist
watchlist-expiring-hours-full-text (talk) (Translate) A few hours left in your watchlist
watchlist-expiry-days-left (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 day|$1 days}} left
watchlist-expiry-hours-left (talk) (Translate) A few hours left
watchlist-expiry-options (talk) (Translate) Permanent:infinite,1 week:1 week,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year
watchlist-hide (talk) (Translate) Hide
watchlist-options (talk) (Translate) Watchlist options
watchlist-submit (talk) (Translate) Show
watchlist-summary (talk) (Translate)  
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